Wantagh High 50th Reunion, Rescheduling Info, Weekend of Aug. 14, 2021
Hello again to the members of the Wantagh Class of 1970: We hope all remain healthy and safe. Covid 19 created a very difficult year for all of us. We wanted to briefly update the Class on the plans for the celebration of our 50th reunion. At the current time, the 50th reunion celebration remains tentatively scheduled for the weekend of August 14, 2021. In accordance with New York guidelines, Memorare Hall in Seaford is reopening for gatherings of up to 150 guests as of March 15, 2021 and is booking events throughout the remainder of the year. The Class of 1970 continues to reserve the evening of Saturday August 14, 2021 for our 50th reunion celebration. While recent news regarding the vaccine rollout and Covid health data has been encouraging, due to continued uncertainty, we plan to defer until mid-April or May a final decision on going forward with the reunion in August. Stay tuned ...